Catálogo a pedido

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GéneroTituloAutorPrecio EstimadoObservaciones
ActoresThe complete films of Vincent PriceWilliams$250.00
DirectoresA taste of blood: the films of Herschell Gordon LewisCurry$130.00nuevo!
DirectoresDario ArgentoGracey$100.00nuevo!
DirectoresSpaghetti Nightmares: Italian Fantasy-Horrors As Seen Through The Eyes Of Their Protagonists Palmerini - Mistretta$160.00entrevistas a realizadores y protagonistas
DirectoresDarío Argento, el maestro italiano del escalofríoMuniesa$140.00Nuevo y en español!
EnciclopediaThe Film Noir EncyclopediaUrsini - Silver - Ward$110.00
EnciclopediaBlood Splatter: A Guide to Cinematic Zombie Violence, Gore and Special EffectsChenery$190.00Nuevo! Todo sobre zombies y tripas
EnciclopediaItalian Horror Films of the 60's: a critical catalog of 62 chillersMcCallum$200.00
EnciclopediaSplatter Movie Guide Vol. IMcCarty$80.00
EnciclopediaSplatter Movie Guide Vol. IIMcCarty$80.00
EnciclopediaCinema Italiano: the complete guide from classics to cultHughes$100.00nuevo!
EnciclopediaNightwalker: Gothic Horror MoviesWright$150.00
EnciclopediaEncyclopedia of Western MoviesHardy$100.00De la misma serie de las Enc. de Horror y Sci-Fi
EnciclopediaThe Zombie Movie EnciclopediaDendle$200.00
EnciclopediaThe Gorehound's Guide to Splatter Films of the 1960s and 1970sStine$150.00
EnciclopediaThe Gorehound's Guide to Splatter Films of the 1980sStine$250.00nuevo!
EnsayoDark City: the lost world of Film NoirMuller$110.00
EnsayoMeat is murder: illustrated guide to cannibal cultureBrottman$85.00
EnsayoProfoundly disturbing: the shocking movies that changed historyBriggs$80.00
EnsayoHollywood GothicSkal$120.00
EnsayoHorror FilmsOdell - Le Blanc$70.00nuevo!
EnsayoAmerican Theatrical Film Stag Tibbets$130.00nuevo!
EnsayoBold! Daring! Shocking! True: A History of Exploitation Films Schaeffer$150.00nuevo!
EnsayoFor one week only: The world of exploitation filmsMeyer$110.00
EnsayoSleazoid Express: A Mind-Twisting Tour Through the Grindhouse Cinema of Times SquareLandis - Clifford$150.00
Ensayo/DirectoresStep right up! I'm gonna scare the pants off AmericaCastle$110.00autobiografía de William Castle (Haunted Hill)
Guía/ensayo100 European Horror FilmsSchneider$110.00
Guía/ensayoCult Movies in 60 secondsMcCarthy$60.00
Guía/ensayoCult Movies: the classics, the sleepers, the weird and the wonderfulPeary$85.00
Guía/EnsayoItalian HorrorHarper$160.00
Guía/ensayoThe official Razzie Movie Guide: Enjoying the Best of Hollywoods WorstWilson$70.00
Guía/ensayoThe Mexican Cinema of Darkness: A Critical Study of Six Landmark Horror and Exploitation Films, 1969-1988Greene$250.00nuevo!
Guía/ensayoMexploitation Cinema: a Critical History of Mexican Vampire, Wrestler, Ape-Man and Similar Films, 1957-1977Greene$160.00nuevo!
Guía/ensayoEros in Hell: Sex, Blood and Madness in Japanese CinemaHunter$150.00
Guía/ensayoFragments of Fear: An Illustrated History of British Horror FilmsBoot$150.00
Guía/ensayoHollywood Hex: An Illustrated History of Cursed Movies Brottman$130.00
Guía/ensayoDeathtripping: Illustrated History of the Cinema of TransgressionSargeant$130.00
Guía/ensayoHouse of Horror, The Complete Hammer Films Story Maxford$140.00
Guía/ensayoKilling for culture: illustrated history of death films from Mondo to snuffKerekes$140.00
Guía/ensayoThe Satanic Screen: An Illustrated Guide to the Devil in CinemaSchrek$160.00nuevo!
Guía/ensayoBabylon Blue : An Illustrated History of Adult Cinema 1960-1998Flint$200.00
Guía/ensayoDesperate Visions: The Films of John Waters & the Kuchar BrothersStevenson$130.00
Guía/ensayoBad Blood: An Illustrated Guide to Psycho CinemaFuchs$130.00nuevo!
Guía/ensayoAddicted: The Myth & Menace of Drugs in Film Stevenson$150.00
Guía101 Horror Movies You Must See Before You DieSchneider (ed)$120.00Nuevo!
Historia/EnsayoEl cine de terror de la UniversalMemba$100.00Nuevo y en ESPAÑOL!
Historia/EnsayoLas sombras del horror : Edgar Allan Poe en el cineNavarro$150.00Nuevo y en ESPAÑOL!
HistoriaA thing of unspeakable horror: the history of Hammer FilmsMcKay$85.00
HistoriaEuropean Nightmares: Horror Cinema in Europe Since 1945Almer-Brick-Huxley (ed.)$150.00
HistoriaForgotten Horrors: the definitive editionTurner - Price$110.00Cine de terror antiguo
HistoriaDirty Movies: An Illustrated History of the Stag Film, 1915-1970 Di Lauro - Rabkin$130.00
HistoriaThe Complete History of Zombie Cinema Russell$130.00
HistoriaMonsters: A Celebration of the Classics from Universal Studios Milano$160.00
HistoriaIncredibly Strange Film Book: an alternative history of cinema Ross$100.00
HistoriaUniversal Studios Monsters: a legacy of horrorMallory$200.00nuevo!
HistoriaBold! Daring! Shocking! True: A History of Exploitation Films, 1919-1959Schaefer$110.00
PelículasNight of the living deadHervey$70.00nuevo!
ProducciónSplatter Flicks: How to Make Low-Budget Horror FilmsCaldwell$150.00nuevo!
VintageArt of Noir: Posters and graphics from the classical era of Film NoirMuller$160.00
VintageFamous Monster Movie art of Basil GogosGammill$150.00nuevo!

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